티스토리 뷰



#. Nike Makes Sneakers From Junk


Global footwear company Nike unveiled a shoe design called Space Hippie this year.

The sneakers were made completely with recycled trash.

Nike representatives said the company was seeking ways to reduce its carbon footprint and use less resources.

With these goals in mind, it developed the new environmentally-friendly sneakers.

There are multiple Space Hippie designs, including high tops.

The sneakers are mostly gray, but they also have orange accents and the colorful Nike logo.

Nike makes the sole from recycled foam rubber.

Recycled fabric and yarn make up the rest of the sneakers.

For example, Nike uses textile scraps, plastic water bottles, T-shirts, and other miscellaneous materials to construct the sneakers.

Despite being made of junk, the Space Hippie shoes are comfortable to wear.

Plus, they look pretty fashionable.

unveiled @ ˌʌnˈveɪl 1.(그림·동상 등을 처음으로 공개하기 위해) 덮개를 벗기다   2.(새로운 계획·상품 등을) 발표하다

Global footwear company Nike unveiled a shoe design called Space Hippie this year.

The Queen unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital.

@ plaque  plæk 명판(名板: 사람·사건 등을 기려 이름과 날짜를 적어 벽에 붙여 놓은 물건)


representative @ ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv 1.대표(자)   2.(판매) 대리인, 외판원   3.(특정 단체를) 대표하는

Nike representatives said the company was seeking ways to reduce its carbon footprint and use less resources.

The committee includes representatives from industry.


accent @ |æksent 1.(사람의 출신 지역이나 계층을 보여 주는) 말씨   2.강조, 역점   3.(어떤 부분을) 강조하다

The sneakers are mostly gray, but they also have orange accents and the colorful Nike logo.

In all our products the accent is on quality.


sole @ soʊl 1.유일한, 단 하나의   2.혼자의   3.발바닥

Nike makes the sole from recycled foam rubber.

My sole reason for coming here was to see you.

The hot sand burned the soles of their feet


rubber @ ˈrʌbə 고무 (→foam rubber, India rubber)

Nike makes the sole from recycled foam rubber.

a ball made of rubber

The smell of burning rubber filled the air.


yarn @ jɑːrn 1.(직물·편물용) 실, 방적사   2.(특히 과장되거나 지어낸) 긴 이야기

Recycled fabric and yarn make up the rest of the sneakers.

My grandmother went to a yarneria to buy woolen yarn. @ woolen yarn 실타래 털실


textile @ ˈtekstaɪl 1.직물, 옷감   2.섬유 산업

a factory producing a range of textiles , the textile industry , a textile designer


scrap @ skræp 1.(특히 종이옷감 등의) 조각   2.조금   3.폐기하다, 버리다

She scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper. @ scribble ˈskrɪbl 1.갈겨쓰다, 휘갈기다   2.낙서하다   3.휘갈겨 쓴 글씨, 난필


miscellaneous @ ˌmɪsəˈleɪniəs  여러 가지 종류의, 이것저것 다양한 (=diverse, various)

Nike uses textile scraps, plastic water bottles, T-shirts, and other miscellaneous materials to construct the sneakers.

She gave me some money to cover any miscellaneous expenses. 

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