티스토리 뷰


#. Taking Notes by Hand


When you study, it is important to take good notes.

Many students use their computers for this task.

However, it may be better to take notes the old-fashioned way.

Several years ago, researchers at Princeton University did a study with university students.

These students took notes while listening to a lecture.

One group of students wrote their notes by hand.

The students in the second group typed their notes on a laptop computer.

The researchers found some interesting differences between the two groups.

The students who used computers took detailed notes.

They copied almost everything they heard.

Meanwhile, the students who used a pen or pencil notes at a slower pace.

This meant they could not write everything down.

Instead, they had to summarize and choose their information more.

After the lecture, the researchers quizzed the students on the lecture.

Interestingly, both groups remembered facts and names well.

Then, they were asked more complicated questions.

here, the students who wrote notes by hand did much better.

In other words, they had a deeper understanding of the content.

take notes 기록하다, 필기를 하다.

take note of something (~에) 주목하다

pace peɪs 1.(걸음달리기움직임의) 속도   2.(일의) 속도   3.(특히 초조해서, 또는 화가 나서) 서성거리다

In other words 다시 말해서

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