티스토리 뷰


In September, American students at Walden Grove High School in Arizona showed their love of "Avengers: Endgame."

Dressed as the movie's characters, the school's dance team interpreted the movie through their performance.

The performance showed the entire plot of the 3-hour Marvel film.

It included the introduction, conflict, rising action, climax, and resolution.

The cast featured all the main superheroes, including Iron Man, Thor, and Black Widow.

The teen dancers also portrayed the movie's villains, such as Thanos and the Black Order.

The team danced during a pep rally.

Then, a video of the performance went viral online and excited "Avengers: Endgame" fans around the world.

Walden Grove High School is famous for putting on lavish dance routines every year.

Previously, there were performances inspired by the "Harry Potter" series, Pixar animation movies, and "The Wizard of Oz."


  • plot  plɑːt   (소설극영화 등의) 구성[플롯/줄거리] ,  음모 (=conspiracy) /   (특히 정부국가 지도자에 대한 전복반역을) 음모[모의]하다 (=conspire)

  • cast  kæst   시선미소 등을) 던지다[보내다]  /   (어떤 연극이나 영화의) 출연자들[배역진]

  • portray  pɔːr|treɪ    (그림·글로) 그리다[묘사하다] (=depict) ,   (영화·연극에서 특정한 역할을) 연기하다 (=play)

  • villain  ˈvɪlən    (이야기·연극 등의 중심인물인) 악당[악한]

  • pep rally   사기 진작 모임, 궐기[응원] 대회

  • viral  ˈvaɪrəl   바이러스성의, 바이러스에 의한   virus  ˈvaɪrəs  바이러스   (컴퓨터) 바이러스 (→viral)   go viral 널리 퍼지다 

  • lavish  ˈlævɪʃ    풍성한, 호화로운 (=extravagant, luxurious)

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