티스토리 뷰


#. Tax for Pets


In Korea, over 10 million households have one or more pets.

But soon, these families may have to pay more to keep their dogs and cats.

In 2023, the government plans to introduce a new tax for pets.

Supporters of the plan say the tax can be used to pay for problems caused by pets.

For example, the government can use the money to fix damages to public property, or look after abandoned or lost pets.

These supporters also say that the pet tax will benefit pets and their owners.

With the money, the government could use the money to provide better public services for pets.

This will make cities and towns more "pet-friendly."

Other people, however, are opposed to the tax for pets.

They say that most pets don't damage property or get lost.

Therefore, it is unfair to make all pet owners pay to fix these problems.

Furthermore, these critics say that some pet owners may be too burdened by the pet tax.

They may even abandon their pets rather than pay the tax.

Then, the plan could create more problems than solutions.


  • household |haʊshoʊld (한 집에 사는 사람들을 일컫는) 가정

  • property ˈprɑːpərti 재산, 소유물 (→intellectual property, lost property, public property) , 부동산

  • burden ˈbɜːrdn 부담, 짐 부담[짐]을 지우다 (↔unburden)

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