티스토리 뷰


### 0630


downstairs  아래층에서   by the way  그런데


@@ Didn't you check ~ ?

확인 안했어?


Didn't you check your email?

Didn't you check your flight times?

Didn't you check the itinerary?  aɪˈtɪnəreri   여행 일정표


@@ ~ is not working   ~가 작동되지 않아


The elevator is not working.

The registration system is not working.

My phone is not working.



### 0629


finally 마침내    lawyer  ˈlɔːjə(r)  변호사


@@ make up one's mind



I've made up my mind to marry her.

They've made up their minds to finish it on time. 그들은 제시간에 끝내기로 결심했다

She's made up her mind to be a business owner.


### make up 



1. make up지어내다


I just made it (that) up 

(그거) 내가 지어낸 거야.

Are you (just) making that up? 

너 그거 (그냥) 지어낸 거야?

I think she just made that up 

걔 그거 그냥 지어낸 거 같은데.

I think she’s just making that up 

걔 그거 그냥 지어내는 거 같아.

I’ll just make something up 

내가 알아서 그냥 뭐 지어낼게 (대충 둘러댈게)


2. make up만회하다


I’ll make up for it next week 다음 주에 만회할게요/채울게요.

  • make up for <무엇>

    • 부족했거나 잘못된 일을 만회하다

I know you’re disappointed but I promise I’ll make up for everything. 

실망한 거 알지만 내가 다 만회할게

I know I made a lot of mistakes. I’m really going to make up for everything.

내가 실수를 많이 한 거 알아요. 정말 다 만회할거에요.

  • make it up to <누구> 

    • 누구에게 보상하다? (돈이 아닌 노력으로 하는 보상)

    • I felt so bad about last time so I want(ed) to make it up to you.


3. make up특정 비율을 차지하다


Women only make up about 20% of the entire staff.

여성은 전체 직원의 20% 밖에 차지하지 않는다.

  • make up 비율을 차지한다. / 구성한다. 

  • account for 좀 더 formal한 느낌

  • take up 그만큼 차지하는 것이 방해 요소이거나 부담스럽다는 뉘앙스의 맥락일 때



### ~을 잘 활용하다 / 써먹다.


영어를 배우면서 표현력을 향상 시키기 위한 중요한 영역 중 하나가 [구동사]입니다.  이번 영상에서 우리가 일상적으로 자주 하는 말을 영어로, 어떤 구동사로 표현하는지 배우고 같이 연습해봅니다.  - 을 활용하다 / 써먹다 - 을 잘 활용하다 / 써먹다 - 을 더 잘 활용하다 / 써먹다 - 을 최대한으로 활용하다

  • 구동사 (Phrasal Verb) : 구절로 이뤄어진 : 동사 + 전치사

            ex) turn on / off


  • make use of  : 활용하다 / 써먹다.


우리가 가지고 있던 것을 그냥 활용했는데 잘 됐어요.

We just made use of what we had and it turned out OK.

  • make good use of : ~을 잘 활용하다.

너의 시간을 잘 활용해야 돼

You have to make good use of your time.

The deadline is next week so we have to make good use of our time.

  • use one's time wisely : 현명하게 ~의 시간을 사용하다.

  • make the most out of : ~을 최대한으로 잘 활용하다.

우리는 이 기회를 최대한으로 잘 활용해야 돼. / 우리는 이 기회를 최대한 많이 얻어내야 해 / 뽑아내야 해

We have to make the most out of this opportunity.

make use of what we have. 우리가 가지고 있는것을 활용한다.

.. make good use of what we have. 우리가 가지고 있는것을 활용한다.

.. make better use of what we have. 우리가 가지고 있는것을 더 잘 활용한다.

we have to make the most out of this opportunity. 우리는 이 기회를 최대한으로잘 활용해야 돼.

Come on, we only have an hour left. 야 우리 한시간밖에 안남았어.

So, let's make the most out of it. 남은시간을 최대한으로잘 활용하자.



@@ If that's the case

만약 그런경우라면~


If that's the case I'd better save some money.

If that's the case, let's not go there.

If that's the case, I don't want to be involved.   ɪnˈvɑːlvd   관여하는, 관련된, 연루된



### 0628


decisively disáisivli  결정적으로; 단호히    decisive  dɪˈsaɪsɪv  결정적인    decide dɪˈsaɪd   결정하다

seriously ˈsɪəriəsli 심(각)하게; 진지하게, 진심으로  

serious  ˈsɪəriəs  심각한 / 진지한


@@ after school 



After school you can play all you want.

Do your homework after school.

They have the most fun after school.


@@ I wish I could

~ 할수 있기를 바란다.


I wish I could get along with all the people in my life.

I wish I could escape to a deserted island.  ɪˈskeɪp  달아나다, 탈출하다   


 사람이 없는

I wish I could win a million dollars and retire.


@@ such + 형용사 + 명사

너무나 ~ 한 것(사람)


She is such a beautiful girl.

My teacher is such a generous giver.  ˈɡɪvə(r) 기부자, 증여자

He has such a good talent.



### 0627


trowel  ˈtraʊəl  모종삽        clam klæm 조개    boots 장화       dig out   파다, 파내다


@@ Put on this / these ~ .

이 ~를 싣어/입어/써


Put on these boots.

Put on this jacket.

Put on these glasses.


@@ Those are for ~ .

그건 ~ 거야


Those are for your little brother.

Those are for your little sister.

Those are for the winner.


@@ What is/ are ~ for?

~는 어디에 쓰는 거예요?


What are these for?

What is this for?

What are the flowers for?



### 0626


clutter ˈklʌtə(r) (너무 많은 것들을 어수선하게) 채우다[집어넣다]  /  잡동사니; 어수선함   * Too much clutter at home stresses me out.



  물건을 쌓아놓고 사는 사람   * I think I'm a hoarder.

minimize   ˈmɪnɪmaɪz  (특히 좋지 못한 것을) 최소화하다 * From now on, I'm going to minimize the stuff around me.

throw away   버리다  


@@ Are you going to throw ~ away?      

~ 를 버리고려 그래?


Are you going to throw these things away?

Are you going to throw that away?

Are you going to throw all the boxes away?


@@ Too much ~ stresses me out.

너무 많은 ~ 가 스트레스 쌓이게 해


Too much clutter at home stresses me out.

Too much work at my office stresses me out.

Too much pressure stresses me out.


@@ Sounds like you ~ .

너 말하는거 보니까 ~ 인것 같다.


Sounds like you mean it this time. 너 말하는거 보니까 이번에는 진심인것 같다

Sounds like you don't want to take the job. 그 일하기 싫은 모양이다.

Sounds like you really like him.



### 0625


get promoted  승진하다        deserve  ~을 받을 만한 자격이 있다

qualified ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd 자격이 되는       irreplaceable  대체 불가한, 그 무엇과도 바꿀수 없는


@@ I think there'll be ~ .

~ 가 있을것 같은데


I think there'll be good news for you.

I think there'll be a lot to be happy about.

I think there'll be some good restaurants around that area.


@@ It seems like you'll ~ .

너 ~ 할것 같아


It seems like you'll get promoted soon.

It seems like you'll be just fine.

It seems like you'll like it a lot.



### 0624


trailer  (영화의)예고편         soft drink  탄산음료


@@ Should we get some ~?

우리 ~ 좀 살까?


Should we get some snacks for the movie?

Should we get some drinks for tonight?

Should we get some prizes for the games?  praɪz 상품; 경품 


@@ I don't want to miss ~ .

나 ~ 를 놓치기 싫어.


I don't want to miss the trailers before the movie.

I don't want to miss the opening ceremonies of the film festival.

I don't want to miss the start of the game.



### 0623


@@ How long have you been -ing?

얼마동안 ~ 하셨어요?


How long have you been waiting?

How long have you been living here?

How long have you been practicing?


@@ Let's go up the ~ floor.

~층으로 올라갑시다.


Let's go up the second floor.

Let's go up the top floor.

Let's go up the tenth floor.


@@ take the stairs

계단으로 올라가다, 계단을 이용하다


We can take the stairs over there.

In case the elevator doesn't work, you can take the stairs.

We can take the stairs to get to her office.



### 0622


terrible  최악   * The weather is terrible today. I don't want to move anywhere.

bother  괴롭히다, 신경쓰이게 하다     * I sure hope so, but now everything's bothering me.

personal  개인적인        stuff  일, 물건        suppose  추측하다

  • I'm taking the day off also from work to do some personal stuff.  난 쉬면서 개인적인 일좀 해 보려고

  • I suppose this is a day to do that. 오늘이 딱 그런날이네


@@ call in sick  

병가를 내다 


She'll just call in sick for school.

He'll call in sick for work.

They'll call in sick and take a day off.


@@ do one's homework

숙제를 하다


The children are doing their homework at the library.

She is doing her homework now.

We need to do our homework before go to the party.


@@ take the day off

하루를 쉬다


There's heavy snow today, so let's take the day off.

Since you are so sick, it would be better for you to take the day off.

I don't feel well today, so I think I will take the day off.



### 0621


prepare  준비하다        adequately ˈædɪkwət  적절하게,충분하게

sleeping bag  침낭


@@ had better

~ 하는게 더 낫다


I had better leave now.

You had better buy some new cloths.

Since it's late, we had better go home.


@@ Let's go ~ing



Let's go swimming today.

Let's go cycling this weekend.

Let's go driving around town.


@@ be off to 

~에 가다


They'll be off to the Christmas party when they finish their work.

When I dropped by John's house, he was already off to work.

She's off to buy a present for the birthday party.



### 0620 


work 되다, 괜찮다  Does 7:30 work for you?


@@ When and where should we ~ ?

언제 얻디서 ~ 하면 될까요?


When and where should we meet tomorrow?

When and where should we get together tonight?

When and where should we meet for the party?


@@ How about I ~ ?

제가 ~하면 어떨까요?


How about I come here for breakfast with you?

How about I invest in the project?

How about I go and pick up Lily?


@@ What time can you make it here ~ ?

~에 여기로 몇시까지 오실수 있나요?


What time can you make it here in the morning?

What time can you make it here tomorrow?

What time can you make it here to get your belongings?  bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz  (부동산을 제외한) 재산, 소유물



### 0619 


spot  자리, 곳         habit  습관


@@ I always forget where ~ .

나는 늘 ~ 한곳을 잊어버려


I always forget where I park.

I always forget where I put my keys.

I always forget where the ketchup is.


@@ I always check where ~.

나는 ~ 한곳은 항상 체크해


I always check where I am after I park.

I always check where the exits are on the plane.

I always check where the best restaurant are in the cities I visit.



### 0618


cut in  끼어들다        on time  제시간에, 정각에        mature  성숙한


@@ We'll still ~

그래도/여전히/아직도 우린 ~ 할거야


We'll still be there on time.

We'll still finish the project tonight.

We'll still play soccer game in the rain.


@@ You don't get ~ easily, do you?

너는 쉽게/잘 ~ 하지 않는구나, 그치?


You don't get angry easily, do you?

You don't get tired easily, do you?

You don't get bored easily, do you?



### 0617


beat  이기다, 능가하다   Hop in! We've got to beat the traffic.

pick up  잠금장치를 풀다        buckle up  안전벨트를 메다

beep  삐 소리를 내다


@@ I forgot to ~

~ 하는걸 깜빡했네


I forgot to unlock it.

I forgot to clean my room.

I forgot to walk the dog.



### 0616


pleasure  반가움, 기쁨, 즐거움     flight  비행    follow  따라가다


@@ Are you .... from~ ?

 ~ 에서 오신 ... 인가요?


Are you James Weyden from Indonesia?

Are you Kris Johnson from San Francisco?

Are you Jennie Kim form South Korea?


@@ You must be ~.

~이신가 보군요.


You must be Easy Lee.

You must be our new yoga instructor.

You must be the new student everybody's talking about.


@@ Let me take you to ~ .

제가 ~ 로 모셔다 드리겠습니다. 혹은 내가 ~ 로 데려다 줄게


Let me take you to your hotel.

Let me take you to your place.

Let me take you to school.



### 0615


expect  기대하다         receive  받다 

appreciate   감사하다  attend  참석하다, ~에 다니다.


@@ plan on --ing 

-- 할 계획이다.


I plan on driving around the block.

We plan on swimming in the pool.

They plan on attending Ivy League University.


@@ Does it take ~ ?

~ 이 걸리나요?


Does it take too much time?

Does it take a lot of time?

Does it take a long time to get the project done?


@@ really appreciate

정말 감사드려요


I really appreciate your doing my homework for me.

I really appreciate what you did for me.

They really appreciate that gift.



### 0614


count on   ~을 믿다.                express 표현하다


@@ do one's homework

~의 숙제를 하다


They didn't do their homework today.

We didn't do our homework since last week.

I didn't do my homework over the holiday.


@@ planed on --ing

--할 계획이었다.


That's what I planned on doing this morning.

They planned on taking a trip.

We planned on finishing the project.

I planned on graduating on me.


@@ turn in 



You always turn it in before anyone else does.

This assignment should be turned in before noon.

Please turn your paper in to your teacher ASAP.

Turn your homework in  on time.



### 0613 


library  도서관        tough tʌf   어려운,힘


@@ Where be ~ off to?

~ 가 어디로 가는데?


Where is he off to? 그는 어디로가는데?

  • He's off to the grocery store.

Where are they off to?

  • They're off to look for another washing machine.

Where is she off to?

  • She's off to buy a new computer.


@@ I wish you all the very best

정말로 행운을 빌다.


I wish you all the very best when you begin a new job.

I will wish you all the very best to be successful.

i will wish you all the very best when you go to college.



### 0612


pick up ~를 데리러 가다        at that time  그시간에


@@ There's a ~ I've been ---ing

내가 ---하던 ~ 가 있어


There's a new action movie I've been wanting to see.

There's a vegan restaurant I've been hoping to eat at.

  •  vegan ˈviːɡən  엄격한 채식주의자

There's a great idea I've been thinking of.


@@ Why don't I ~ ?

내가 ~ 하는 게 어떨까?


Why don't I pick you up at your house?

Why don't I call you later in the evening?

Why don't I send you some ideas tonight?



### 0611


dangerous  위험한        expose  노출시키다

overly   너무, 심하게        trusting  믿는


@@ I'm sometimes overly ~

나는 가끔 너무 ~ 해


I'm sometimes overly trusting of people.

I'm sometimes overly cautious while driving.

  • cautious  ˈkɔːʃəs  조심스러운, 신중한  caution  ˈkɔːʃn  조심

I'm sometimes overly worried about math tests.


@@ Where would you like to recommend to ~? 

~ 할 곳으로 어디를 추천해 주고 싶어?


Where would you like to recommend to travel as a couple?

Where would you like to recommend to visit after sunset?

Where would you like to recommend to stay in Paris?



### 0610


quotekwoʊt  인용하다. 남의 말을 그대로 전달하다. 옮기다.

monotony məˈnɒtəni  단조로움            inspiring ɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ  영감을 주는, 의욕을 불어넣어주

meaningful  ˈmiːnɪŋfl  의미있는 


@@ I want to do something that ~ 

나는 ~ 하는 뭔가를 하고싶어


I want to do something that takes me out of my comfort zone.

I want to do something that is exciting and enjoyable.

I want to do something that helps make this world better.


@@ I also want to make my life more ~ 

나는 또 내 인생을 더 ~ 하게 만들고 싶어.


I also want to make my life more meaningful.

I also want to make my life more exciting.

I also want to make my life more unpredictable.

  • predict prɪˈdɪkt  예측[예견]하다  predictable prɪˈdɪktəbl  예측[예견]할 수 있는 unpredictable  예측할 수 없는, 예측이 불가능한



### 0609 


What's wrong? 무슨 문제있니?


@@ Can I ~~~ for a while?

저 잠깐 ~ 해도 될까요?


Can I rest in bed for a while?

Can I take a break for a while?

Can I watch TV for a while?


@@ Take this medicine and ~ 

이 약 먹고 ~ 해


Take this medicine and rest in bed.

Take this medicine and drink a lot of water.

Take this medicine and take a nap.


@@ I know you're busy -ing

네가 ~ 하느라 바쁜건 알지.


I know you're busy studying.

I know you're busy taking care of you kids.

I know you're busy working these days.



### 0608 


focus 집중하다         appetite  식욕, 입맛

allowance 용돈        pay back  돈을 갚다.


@@ You can't .... if you ~

~ 하면 ... 할수 없어.


You can't focus in class if you skip breakfast.

You can't take the first train if you get up late.

You can't pass the exam if you don't study.


@@ Have ~ at least.

~ 라도 마셔. 먹어.


Have a glass of milk at least.

Have some bread at least.

You need to have a banana at least.


@@ Did you spend all ~ ?

~ 를 다 썼어?


Did you spend all your allowance?

Did you spend all the money?

Did you spend all the cash?



### 0607


gorgeous  아주 멋진        appointment  약속

partial ˈpɑːrʃl 부분적


@@ fall out - fell out  

빠지다, (사이가) 틀어지다.


Our relationship fell out.

The vacuum filter fell out.

My front teeth fell out.


@@ cause pain 

고통을 야기하다


Is it causing you pain? 그것은 당신을 고통을 야기 했나요? / 그것이 아팠나요?

Sometimes relationships cause emotional pain. 가끔 인간관계는 감정적인 고통을 불러온다.

The accident was causing him pain. 그 사고는 그를 고통스럽게 하고 있었다 / 그 사고로 그는 고통스러워 하고 있었다.

The injury caused so much pain that Judy couldn't eat at all.


@@ sounds good 

좋다. 괜찮다


An egg sandwich sounds good for me. 저는 계란 샌드위치면 될것같아요.

Shopping sounds good for me. 저한테는 쇼핑이 좋겠어요.

The new plan sounds good to me. 전 새로운 계획이 괜찮은것 같아요.



### 0606


drawer  서랍 = closet    Memorial Day  현충일


@@ Isn't it in .... in the ~?

그거 ~ 에 있는 ... 안에 없어?


Isn't it in the drawer in the living room?

Isn't it in the closet in your room?

Isn't it in the cabinet in the kitchen?


@@ Do you know how to ~?

어덯게 ~ 하는건지 아니?


Do you know how to hang it?

Do you know how to start this machine?

Do you know how to unlock this window?



### 0605 


excited  흥분된         laundry   세탁

favorite  선호하는        relax  쉬다


@@  be excited about ~ ing

~에 대해서 신이 나다.


We are so excited about having the Thanksgiving Holiday.

They are excited about going out to the beach for their picnic.

She is very excited about traveling abroad with her family.


@@ day off

쉬는 날


Today is a day off.

We have three days off for Chuseok.

I love taking a day off. 나는 쉬는걸 좋아해요



### 0604 


almost   거의        anyway  어쨌든

sure thing   물론이지, 당연하지


@@ I think we'd / I'd better ~ 

우리/나 ~ 하는게 좋겠어


I think we'd better go home.

I think we'd better call a taxi.

I think we'd better cancel our dinner plans.


@@ I can't believe ~ 

~ 라니 믿기지가 않아


I can't believe it's almost midnight.

I can't believe Anne and Liam are dating.

I can't believe you forgot our wedding anniversary. 



### 0603


at least  적어도, 최소한            by the window 창가에


@@  I come here at least ~ 

난 적어도 ~ 번은 여기에 와


I come here at least once a week.

I come here at least twice a month.

I come here at least three times a year.


@@ I can see why ~ 

왜 ~ 한지 알겠어.


I can see why you like it.

I can see why the critics hated this movie.  ˈkrɪtɪk  비평가, 평론가

I can see why no one eats at this restaurant. 



### 0602


transparent  투명한        spread  바르다, 발라지다, 펴지다

sticky  끈적거리는           prospective  prəˈspektɪv  장래의, 유망한


@@ Have you used ~ ?

~ 써봤어요?


Have you used our new sunblock?

Have you used their makeup remover?

Have you used the new toothbrush?


@@ for the past ~ 

지난 ~ 동안


For the past week.

For the past one month.

For the past decade. 지난 10년 동안요


@@ This is a list of ~ 

이게 ~ 의 목록이에요.


This is a list of prospective customers.

This is a list of the people I'm going to invite.

This is a list of restaurant near my office.



### 0601


amusement park   놀이공원            neighbor  이웃


@@ stayed at 

~ 에 자다, 머물다


Our children stayed at our neighbor's yesterday.

My friend stayed at my place yesterday and today.

His dad stayed at his aunt's for the holidays.  ænt  고모, 이모, (외)숙모


@@ give ~ a few ~ 

~ 에게 조금,잠깐의 ~ 을 주다


Please give me a few seconds.

Give her a few more minutes to complete it.

Our boss gave us a few more chances to accomplish our project.



'케이크 : 오늘의 회화 > c : 오늘의 회화 2020' 카테고리의 다른 글

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2019.07  (0) 2020.03.25
2019.05  (0) 2020.03.25
2019.04  (0) 2020.03.25
2019.03  (0) 2020.03.25
최근에 올라온 글
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