티스토리 뷰


#. 식당에서 불만 말하기


Today, we're gonna take a look at how to make a complaint at the restaurant.

And so the plan for today is we're gonna listen to a conversation between a customer at a restaurant and a server at the restaurant.


Excuse me?

> Yeah? Is everything okay?

I'm sorry. I really hate to do this, but my soup is cold. Would it be possible to have it warmed up?

> Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about that. Yeah, I'll just take that from you and run back to the kitchen to grab you a new bowl.

Thank you so much.

> Okay, here's your new bowl of piping hot soup. Again, please accept my apologies.

No, no. It's okay. These things happen.

> You know what? To make up for it, your meal will be on the house.

Wow, really? wow, that's very generous. Thanks a lot.

> Yeah, it's the least we can do. Enjoy your meal, and if you need anything, just let me know.

OK, will do. Thank you.


  • make up for  (손실 따위를) 보상하다, 보전하다. (=compensate for; complete.)

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