티스토리 뷰


Day 39 : It's coming up 얼마 남지 않았어


기념일이나 중요한 날이 '얼마 남지 않았다' 라고 말할 때 사용하는 표현


Do you want insurance coverage?

> Yes. I don't want to take a big risk.

When is your baby due anyway?

> It's coming up. It's about 3 months away.

Let's get together for lunch sometime.

> Sounds like a plan.


@ take a risk  (위험할 수 있는 줄 알면서) 모험을 하다[받아들이다]


Please leave me out of this project.

> You don't wanna take a big risk, huh?


@ When is your report due?  너의 보고서는 언제까지 제출해야 하니?


When is your report due?

> It's due tomorrow. I'm not sure if I can make it.


@ get together  … 을 모으다, 합치다, 합쳐지다, 모이다, (두 사람이) 데이트하다


I almost forgot your face. Let's go together soon.

> Since you bring it up, let's set a date now.


@ sounds like a plan


What do you think of my idea?

> Sounds like a plan to me.