티스토리 뷰


Day 2 : Don't mention it


# "천만예요" "신경 쓰지 마세요"  = Forget it = You're welcome


I got something for your birthday.

> A present for me? You shouldn't have!

It's cold outside. I'll give you a ride home.

> Don't bother, but thanks anyway.

Don't mention it. That's what friends are for.

> Something smells fishy. Just be yourself.


  • Don't bother (yourself)   그런 수고는 안 해도 돼  

  1. My motto is, if you don’t bother me, I won’t bother you.  What really bothered me about him was his attitude.

동사 성가시게 하다 , 화를 돋우다

  1. You should not bother for a rumor. A rumor can start from anywhere.

  2. ‘Why bother?’는 <왜 신경을 쓰느냐?>라는 의미

  3. Why bother with a helmet? Your head is hard enough.

  4. Why bother with him? I mean if someone clearly doesn’t love you, why waste even a second on him.

동사 신경쓰다


Can I get you something to drink?

> Oh, don't border. I got it.


Shall I google it for you?

> No, don't border. There's no rush.


Would you like me to come over for you?

> Oh, no, no, don't border. It's nothing urgent.


  • Something smells fishy  수상한 냄새가 나는데

Rachel: Eric just let me borrow his new car!

Joy: Hmm. Something smells fishy.

Rachel: I know. He never lets me borrow anything.

Joy: I wonder why he is being nice now.


@ You shouldn't have  뭐 이렇게까지! ((선물 받을 때의 인사말))

  • should have pp  "~했어야 했다, 그러나 하지 못했다"

  • shouldn't have (PP ~~ 생략) "무언가를 하지 말았어야 한다"

  • You shouldn't have gone through all that trouble for me.

  • You shouldn't have spent so much money.


Here's a present for you. 

> What beautiful flowers! You shouldn't have!


@ give sb a ride  (…를) 태워 주다.  I never give a ride to anyone. 


Could you give me a ride home?

> Sure, I'll drop you off on the way.


@ That's what friends are for  친구 좋다는 게 뭐냐?   "그것은 바로 친구가 있기 위한 것입니다"


I can always count on you.

> That's what friends are for.


  • count on sth / sb  ~을 믿다, ~을 확신하다 = bank on sth    I’m counting on you to help me.  Few people can count on having a job for life.


@ be oneself  (남의 영향을 받지 않고) 평소의 [정상적인] 자기 모습 그대로이다  One needs space to be oneself.


I'm so nervous about my job interview.

> Relax and be yourself.

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