티스토리 뷰


#. Butt in


Hey everyone! Today's phrasal verb is "butt in." To butt in in means to interrupt a conversation rudely. This is normally used to complain someone interrupted a conversation and it shows some anger or frustration. Now listen to a dialogue between two friends talking about asking a girl out on a date. Listen closely for the phrasal verb "butt in."


So, did you ask Katie out on a date?

> No, I couldn't do it. I'm so angry.

Why? what happened?

> Well, I was talking to her at lunch and I was about to ask her when Steve butted in.

Steve's a jerk!

> Yeah, and I think he likes Katie, too!

Make sure he doesn't butt in the next time you try to ask her out.


Okay everyone, so remember "butt in" means to interrupt a conversation. This is an informal phrasal verb and when you use it, it shows that you are angry or frustrated at the person who butted in. Thanks for listening and see you next time.

'Cake : middle > 루크쌤의 Quick English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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