티스토리 뷰


#. Hit the sack


Hey guys! We're going to learn a new English expression today and it is "hit the sack." To hit the sack simply means "to go to bed." This is an informal expression, so only use it with people you're close to. Don't use "hit the sack" in a formal situation because you might sound really awkward! Now listen to a dialogue between two roommates talking about watching a movie. Listen closely for the expression "hit the sack."


Do you fancy watching this new horror movie on Netflix?

> No, it's really late and I'm exhausted.

Oh, come on! I heard it's really scary!

> Ah, no,  I'd better not. I've got class early tomorrow, so I'm just gonna hit the sack.

Fine, I'll watch it by myself.


OK guys, So, remember "hit the sack" means to go to bed. This is an informal expression so be careful when you use it. Try to use this expression before you go to bed tonight. Thanks for listening and see you next time.

'Cake : middle > 루크쌤의 Quick English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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