티스토리 뷰


#. 수고했어


@ Thank you for the great work today. 사장님이 직원들 격려하는 상황에서 어울리는 말


You must be exhausted. 너 고생 많았겠다

You're just now getting off work? You must be worn out. 엄청 고생했네

You look like you had a long day. 고생스러운 하루였겠다

You must be worn out from work. Want to go out for a beer?


You deserve it.  여러분은 받을 자격이 있습니다.

You must be so tired.

You had a rough day earlier today.


worn out 

  1. These shoes are worn out.  the gradual replacement of worn-out equipment

형용사 닳아서 못 쓰게 된, 닳고 닳은, 진부한

  1. Can we sit down? I’m worn out

형용사 (특히 힘든 노동·운동으로) 매우 지친 [지쳐 보이는] (→outworn)

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