티스토리 뷰



#. [기초영어 대화가이드] “투표하러 투표소에 갔었어요. 그러고 나서…, 그런 다음에..”




A: 쉬는 날 잘 보냈어?

B: 응. 나쁘지 않았어.

A: 뭐했어?

B: 별거 안했어. 아침에 투표하러 투표소에 갔지. 생각보다 오래 걸렸어. 사람들이 있을 줄은 알았는데 아침 8시 정도여서 그렇게 사람이 많을 줄은 몰랐어.

그러고 나서, 커피 한잔 하러 갔었어. 친구랑 전화로 30분 정도 수다 떨고 나서 집에 돌아가는 길에 세탁소에 들렀는데 안열었더라고. 그게 다야. 집에 있으면서 하루 종일 다른건 한게 거의 없어.



A: Did you have a good day off?

B: Yeah. Not bad.

A: What did you do?

B: Not much. In the morning, I went to my polling place to cast my vote (ballot).

It took longer than I thought. I knew there would be people but it was around 8 o'clock in the morning and I didn't think it would be that crowded. And then, I went for a cup of coffee. I chatted with a friend over the phone for about half an hour. After that, I stopped by the dry-cleaners on my way back home but they were closed. And that's it. I stayed home and did pretty much nothing else all day.



a day off : .쉬는날

ballot ˈbælət 무기명[비밀] 투표

And then, After that . 그러고 나서