티스토리 뷰


Day 79. It's too much for me.  너무 어려워


너무 어려워서 "벅차다" 라는 뜻의 표현 : It's too much for me. , It's over my head.

=/ It's a piece of cake., It's a snap., It's a breeze.

@ snæp 딱[툭] (하고) 부러뜨리다[끊다]; 딱[툭] (하고) 부러지다[끊어지다]  @ briːz  산들바람, 미풍


I think it's too much for me to play golf.

> Once you get the hang of it, it's just a matter of time.

Would it be possible to catch up with you in a year?

> I guess so. For starters, try to get used to it.

It's always easier said than done.

> All the practice will pay off in the near future.


  • something is too much for somebody : 에게 너무 벅차다.

It's too much for us to bring up more than two children.

> Since there're so many working couples these days.


  • get the hang of something : ~을 할[쓸] 줄 알게 되다; ~을 이해하다 . (무엇에 대한) 감을 잡다

I think you're an excellent driver.

> If you drive a few more days, you'll get the hang of it.


  • catch up with something / somebody : (먼저 간 사람을) 따라잡다[따라가다]  (정도나 수준이 앞선 것을) 따라잡다

You'd better catch up with my pace. You're too slow.

> Slow down. The night is still young.


  • get used to something : 에 익숙해지다

Can you fix my computer? I'm computer illiterate. 

@ ɪˈlɪtərət  1.글을 (읽거나 쓸 줄) 모르는, 문맹의   2. 제대로 작성되지 않은   3.문맹자

> Don't worry. You'll get used to it.