티스토리 뷰


#. "~하면 어떨까?/어떤 기분일까" (Part 2 of 2) | "~ 했으면 어땠을까?" / "~당시에는 어땠을까?" [ 영어회화 ]





I wonder what it is like    (일반적인 관점에서 경험하는 인상 / 기분 / 느낌)

I wonder what happens ~ 어떻게 될까?

I wonder what it's like to be rich.  나의 관점이 아닌 부자들의 관점


I wonder what it would be like   (개인적인 관점에서 경험하게 될 인상 / 기분 / 느낌)

I wonder what would happen ~ 어떻게 될까?

I wonder what it would be like to be rich.  내가 그랬을 경우 어떨까?


I wonder what it's like to go out with her. 그녀와 사귀면 / 사귔던 사람들은  그녀는/ 사궜던 사람들은 어떤 기분일까?

I wonder what it would be like to go out with her. 그녀와 사귀면 난  어떤 기분일까?

I wonder what it would be like to travel at the speed of light. (현실성이 제로일 경우)

빛의 속도로 이동하는 기분은 어떤 느낌일까?


I wonder what it would've been like  (과거의 일이지만 현재와 다른...  "어땠을까"의 의미)

I wonder what would've happened ~ 어떻게 됐을까?

I wonder what it would've been like if I had studied harder. I wonder what it would've been like if we hadn't met three years ago. I wonder what it would've been like if we had never met.


I wonder what it was like  (과거)  과거에 실제로 일어난 일에 대해서  그 일을 경험하면 어땠을까?

I wonder what happened ~ 

I wonder what it was like to live in (during) the Roman Times (Empire).



I wonder what's going to be like  (예정된 일) 어떨까? I wonder what is going to happen ~

I wonder what's going to be like there.

I wonder what's going to be like when we get there.