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#. 영어회화 | 추가 표현 정리 (연습가이드#19 part 2 of 2)



이번 영상은 연습가이드 #19의 파트2로 "동시에"와 "한번에"를 각각 어떻게 표현을 하고 서로 어떻게 다른지 그리고 "순서가 맞다/틀리다"를 어떻게 표현하는지 예문과 함께 몇 가지 추가로 정리해봅니다.



one at a time : 한번에 하나씩 == one by one

one thing at a time

one person at a time

one problem at a time

one menu at a time

two at a time  한번에 두번씩 two by one 은없다

several at a time

a few at a time

a couple at a time


한번에 하나씩: one by one, one at a time

한번에 두번씩: two at a time


지원자들은 한번에 세번씩 면접을 봤다.

The applicants were interviewed three at a time.

  • applicant ˈæplɪkənt  지원자

They interviewed the applicants three at a time.

The interviews were carried out / conducted / done three applicants at a time.

  • conduct  kənˈdʌkt    (특정한 활동을) 하다  지휘하다

  • carry out  수행하다

한번에 몇개씩 : several at a time , a few at a time , a couple at a time


한번에 : at once

동시에 : at the same time  

다 동시에: all at the same time, simultaneous

다 한번에, 한꺼번에 : all at once

Everything happened all at the same time.

Everything happened all at once.


순서대로: (do something) + in the right order, in the wrong order

  • do something + in + the right / correct / wrong + order

You put this in the wrong order.

No, I put it in the right order.

No, you didn't put it in the right order.


순서가 안맞아: It’s not in the right order. = It’s in the wrong order.

  • the order is wrong / not order. 부자연스러움

순서대로만 하면된다 == 순서만 맞으면 된다.

You just have to do it in the right order.

It just has to be in the right order.

야, 순서가 맞는지 확인해봐.

Hey, check if it's in the right order.

순서가 맞는지 확인해 봤어?

Did you check if it's in the right order?


1. 지원자들이 한번에 세명씩 면접을 봤다. 

1. The applicants were interviewed three at a time. (They interviewed the applicants three at a time. )


2. 면접은 한번에 몇명의 지원자들을 진행했다. 

2. The interviews were (carried out / conducted /done) a few applicants at a time.


3. 너 이거 순서 잘못놨어. 

3. You put in the wrong order.


4. 아냐, 나 맞게 놨어. 

4. No, I put it in the right order!


5. 아냐, 너 순서 맞지 않게 놨어. 

5. No, you didn’t put it in the right order.


6. 순서대로만 하면된다. 

6. You just have to do it in (the right) order.


7. 순서만 맞으면 된다. 

7. It just has to be in the right order.


8. 순서가 맞는지 확인해봐. 

8. Hey, if check it’s in the right order.


9. 순서가 맞는지 확인해봤니?

9. Did you check if it’s in the right order?

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