티스토리 뷰




#. 영어회화 | as 패턴으로 차이점 묘사하기 4/4


"생각처럼 오래 걸리지 않았어." - "나는 예전만큼 술을 좋아하지 않아." 와 같은 말은 영어로 어떻게 하는것일까? 이번 영상은 as- as- 패턴으로 차이점을 묘사하는 유형 #04 입니다.


1)단순특징이나  성격성질비교

I'm not as smart as her.  She's not as lazy as me.   2)정도의차이비교

I don't get up as early as her.  She doesn't eat as quickly as me.   3)양의 비교

I don't have as much time as you. You don't have as much experience as me.   4)같은 것이 다른시점에서, 다른 상황에서 어떻게 다른지 묘사하기.   내가 학생이었을때는 지금만큼 (성격이) 외향적이지 않았어요.  When I was in school, I wasn't as outgoing as (I am) now.   제 핸드폰이 처음 샀을때만큼 빠르지 않아요.

My phone isn't as fast as (it was) when I first got (bought) it.   20년 전에는 지금만큼 취직하는게어렵지 않았어.

About 20 years ago, it wasn't as hard to get a job as it is now. About 20 years ago, getting a job wasn't as hard as (it is) now. / these days / today.  걔는 그녀를 처음 만났을때만큼 그녀에게 잘해주지 않아.  He is not good to her.

He's very good to me.  He treats me nice. I treat her well.

  • Be good to (someone ) 누구누구에세 잘해주다. == treat

He doesn't treat her as well as he did when they first met.

He doesn't treat her as well as heused to when they first met.   요즘은 일을 하기 전만큼 극장에 자주 않가.

I don't go to the movies as often as I used to (did) before I started working.   내 핸드폰 배터리가 처음 샀을때만큼 오래가지 않아.  My phone battery doesn't last as long as it did when I first got (bought) it..

  • last 오래가다 last long 오래동안 지속되다.

내가 생각했던 것만큼 어렵지 않았어요.

It wasn't as hard as I thought.  It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. 그럴꺼라고 생각했던것만큼 It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.   내가 생각했던것보다 쉬웠다.  It was easier than I thought. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.  내가 생각했던 것만큼 멀게 느껴지지 않았어.

It didn't feel as far as I thought

It didn't feel as far as I thought it would. 동사가 feel 이므로 be 는 x

It didn't feel as faras I thought it was going to.--  학생이었을 때만큼 시간이 많지 않아요.

I don't have as much time as I did (used to) when I was a student.   처음 이사했을때는 지금 만큼 가구가 많지 않았어요.

When I first moved, I didn't have as much furniture as I do now.   생각처럼 사람이 많지 않았어요.

There weren't as many people as I thought. There weren't as many people as I thought there would be. There weren't as many peopleas I thought there was going to be.  저희가 생각했던 것만큼 관광을 할 기회가 없었어요.

We didn't get as many chances( opportunities) to go sightseeing as we thought.  

  • 꼭 완성형문장에서 as ~ as 가 쓰이지는 않는다. 

나는 예전만큼 피자를 좋아하지 않는다.

나는 피자를 좋아하기는 하는데 예전만큼은 아니야. 둘러 나뉘어진 구성 I like pizza , but not as much as I used to. 


I go to the movies from time to time, but not as often as I used to. 

When I first moved, I had some furniture but not as much as I do now.   A:Hey, do you enjoy(like) drinking?   B:Uh..Not as much as I used to.

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