티스토리 뷰





#. 영어회화 | 시제 | 미래시제 | will 과 be going to의 차이


아직도 will 과 be going to가 같은 말이라고 생각하고 있었다면 사실 좀 늦은겁니다.  지금에라도 제대로 이해를 해서 영어를 더 자연스럽게 구사할 수 있게 하세요!


이번 영상에서는 will 과 be going to 가 가지고 있는 차이에 대해서 얘기를 해보는데요, 물론 비슷하게 사용되는 경우도 있지만 가장 기본적인 선에서는 굉장히 다른 두 말이라는것을 알아야 합니다.


Be going to

미래시제,~을 할거다, 할꺼야(계획됨)


I'm going to wake up early tomorrow.

I'm going to go to bed late tonight.

I'm going to watch a movie this weekend.

I'm going to hang out with my friends tonight.

I'm going to have a drink.

We're going to have a drink.


Will  ~을 하겠다는 의지와 의사를 표현.


I'll do that.

You don't have to do that. I'll do that.

I'll lend you 50 dollars.

I'll help you.

I'll ask her when I see her.


Next week, on Monday,

I'm going to give a presentation in class,

so I'm going to prepare for that this weekend.


I'll take care of that. 그거 내가 처리를 할께.

I'll drive you to the airport.

I'll stop by the convenient store on my way home/there.


My mother is sick right now and she's at the hospital.

  • A: Oh, really? I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll visit her this weekend.

  • B: Yes, I know, I'm going to visit her this weekend.

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