티스토리 뷰


#. Daylight Saving Time


In some countries, a special time change takes place twice a year.

It is called Daylight Saving Time (DST).

DST happens because seasons have different daylight hours.

In summer, the sun sets very late.

But in winter, it gets dark very early.

So, these countries use DST to have more balance.

In March, they set their clocks forward by one hour.

For example, 5 p.m. suddenly becomes 6 p.m.

This way, the sun doesn't set too late.

Then in November, these countries set their clocks back by one hour.

Then, they can have more daylight hours during winter.

People can enjoy more sunlight.

Seventy countries practice Daylight Saving Time.

They are mostly in North America, Europe, and South America.

Many countries in Asia don't take part in it.

Some people don't like Daylight Saving Time.

They say it is hard to adjust to the changes.

It sometimes a affects their sleep.

Daylight Saving Time 일광 절약 시간, 서머타임 ((略 DST, [영] summer time))

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