티스토리 뷰

Cake : middle/Culips Catch Word

지금 당장

미인생 2020. 4. 24. 10:19

#. 지금 당장


  • pronto : 당장

지금 당장 : 어떤 일이 지체되는 것 없이, 바로 일어난다면 pronto : ˈprɑːntoʊ 빨리, 당장


Can I see the sales report you worked on? I want to brief myself before the clients arrive for the meeting.

> Sure, one second. I'm almost done.

You are not done yet? Hurry up! I need that report pronto. The clients will be here any minute.


  • ASAP : 가능한 빨리 as soon as possible

Oh man, the weather today is amazing.

> Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

That we should get to the beach ASAP?

> Oh yeah!

Perfect. I'm ready to go any time.

> Cool. Let me just pack a few things, and we can take off.

pronto : ˈprɑːntoʊ 빨리, 당장

brief : briːf (시간이) 짧은, 잠시 동안의, (말글이) 간단한 / (대비를 할 수 있도록) ~에게 (~에 대해) 알려주다[보고하다]


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