티스토리 뷰


#. I am gonna , I'm going to 

~ 할 거야.


I'm gonna make dinner tonight. Do you want to come over?

> You cook? Of course!

I cook once in a while.  가끔 한 번씩

I am gonna take a shower.

I am gonna drive him to school.

I am gonna walk my dog.

I'm going to go for a walk later.

I'm going to get a new phone.

I'm planning to stay up all night. 

I'm plan to eat out tonight.

#. I'm not going to , I'm not gonna ~ 

~ 하지 않을 거야


I'm not going to go out this weekend.

I'm not going to forgive you this time.

I'm not going to listen to your nagging

#. Are you going to ~ , Are you gonna ~?

너 ~ 할 거야?


Are you going to eat that?

> Are you really going to go out? You have so much work to do.

(Are) you gonna finish your report today?

#. Aren't you going to ~ / Aren't you gonna ~?

너 ~ 안 할 거야?


Aren't you going to apply for the job?

Aren't you going to write this down?  이거 안 받아 적을 거야?

You aren't going to write this down?

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