티스토리 뷰


How soon , How soon can

미인생 2020. 4. 15. 01:37

#. How soon

얼마나 금방 / 얼마나 빨리


#. How soon can ~ 

얼마나 빨리 ~ 할수 있어요


I'll be there soon.  곧 / 금방 내가 거기 갈께

> How soon can you come?

I just got in my car. 방금 차 탔어.

How soon ? 얼마나빨리?

How soon will the result come out? 결과는 얼마나 빨리 나오나요 ? 언제나오나요?

How soon can you finish eating?

How soon can you get here / there?

How soon can you get back to me? 

How soon can I expect your reply?

'Study > 패턴영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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