Day 199. 자판기가 고장 났어 The coffee machine was broken. 차량, 기계, 전자제품 등이 고장 났다고 말할 때 사용하는 표현 = The vending machine broke down., It's not moving., It's not working right. The coffee machine was broken. > It has been repaired. Now it's working right.
Day 198. 불쑥 찾아와서 미안해요 I'm sorry to drop by unannounced. 사전에 연락 없이 방문해서 미안하다고 할 때 사용하는 표현 = Sorry for barging in like this., Sorry to stop by without calling. @ barge in (on somebody / something) 쑥 들어오다[끼어들다] I hope you don’t mind me barging in like this. He barged in on us while we were having a meeting. Hello. I'm sorry to drop by unannounced. > No problem. Come on in and have a seat.
Day 197. 이제 어떻게 해야 하지? What are we supposed to do? 어떻게 해야 할지 판단이 어려울 때 사용하는 표현 = What should we do? , What are we gonna do? 원래의 계획이 틀어졌을 때 "친구를 만날 계획이었어" I was supposed to meet my friend. We're broke. 우리 빈털털리야 > What are we supposed to do? From now on, we have to tighten our belts. be broke : 파산하다, 빈털터리가 되다 bu supposed to 동.원 : ~ 해야 한다, ~ 하기로 되어있다 tighten one's belt : 허리띠를 졸라매다
Day 196. 집에 두고 왔나 봐 I must have left it at home. 어떤 결과의 원인에 대해 확신을 갖고 추측을 할 때 사용하는 표현 I must have left it at the restaurant. 식당에 두고 온 게 확실해. You must have dialed the wrong number. 전화 잘못거셨네요. I'm sorry. I must have left it at home. > It's okay. You can bring it by tomorrow. must have pp : ~한게 틀림없다 bring 사물 by 시점 : ~을 ... 까지 가져오다
Day 195. 이게 정말 네가 원하는 거야? Is that what you really? 상대방의 의견이나 결정이 마음에 들지 않을 때 한번 더 재고해 보라고 할 때 사용하는 표현 성급하게 결정하지 말라는 뜻으로 Don't jump the gun., Don't rush to judgement., Don't jump to conclusions. I don't get it. > Is that what you really want? Yes. We don't have a lot of options.
Day 194. 그녀는 지금 상태가 별로야 She's kind of mess right now. 겉모습이나 건강 상태 등이 별로 좋지 않을 때 사용하는 표현 Your room is a mess., Her hair is a mess. I hear she had surgery. Let's stop by the hospital. > Maybe next time. She's kind of a mess right now.
Day 193. 왜 마음이 바뀌었어? Why did you change your mind? 이미 내린 결정에 대해 왜 마음이 바뀌었는지 물어볼 때 사용하는 표현 마음이 바뀐거야? Have you changed your mind? 변덕스럽다 You're very capricious., You're whimsical. By the way, why did you change your mind? > On second thought, I realized it was not a good idea. whimsical @ ˈwɪmzɪkl 엉뚱한, 기발한 * 변덕스럽다 be capricious[fickle, changeable, whimsical] Much of his writing has a whimsical qual..
Day 192. 너무 자책하지마 Don't be hard on yourself. 같은 의미로 = Don't blame yourself., Don't beat yourself up. 부모님께 못되게 굴지 마 = Don't be so hard on your parents. I think it's all my fault. I feel like crying. > Chin up. Don't be so hard on yourself.
- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- Don't worry
- Yes
- oh
- OKay
- Thanks
- pick up
- Actually
- no
- Yeah
- What Happened?
- please?
- Right?
- Excuse me
- well
- I'm sorry
- Please
- By The Way
- too.
- Tell me about it.
- please.
- Oh No
- Hey
- I'm glad to hear that.
- Sure
- hold on
- make it
- OK
- Sorry
- work out
- I'm not sure
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