#. 20.0504 movement ˈmuːvmənt 1.(몸·신체 부위의) 움직임 2.(장소의) 이동 3.(사람들이 조직적으로 벌이는) 운동 @ You can ~, if you don't mind. 괜찮으시면, ~ 하셔도 돼요 You can use this shopping bag, if you don't mind. You can join me for dinner, if you don't mind. You can take my umbrella with you, if you don't mind. @ It helps not to ~ 그건 내가 ~ 하지 않게 도와줘요 It helps me not to buy more than I need. It helps me not to waste my time and en..
#. 20.0502 consultation |kɑːnsl│teɪʃn 1.협의, 상의 2.(정식) 회담 3.(특히 의사와의) 상담, 진찰 aptitude |æptɪtuːd 소질, 적성 qualification |kwɑːlɪfɪ│keɪʃn 1.(필요한 교육·시험 등을 거쳐 얻게 되는) 자격 2.(어떤 일·활동에 필요한 경험·기술 등의) 자격 3.단서, 조건 booklet ˈbʊklət 작은 책자, 소책자 resume rɪ|zuːm 1.재개하다, 다시 시작하다 2.자기 좌석/자리/위치로 (다시) 돌아가다 submit a resume 이력서를 쓰다 pump pʌmp 펌프, 양[흡]수기 pumps(여자 구두의 일종). pension ˈpenʃn 연금, 생활 보조금, 수당 terminate |tɜːrmɪneɪt 1..
#. 20.0501 come along 1.도착하다; 생기다 2.함께 가다 3. (원하는 대로) 되어 가다[나아지다] work out 1.(건강·몸매 관리 등을 위해) 운동하다 2.(일이) 잘 풀리다 @ be still --ing 아직도 -- 하고 있다 I'm still doing the same things after six years on this job. Please don't turn off the TV. I'm still watching that show. Because of the traffic jam, I'm still driving in the middle of Seoul. @ speak for itself / themselves 자명[분명]하다 / (이미 사실임이 분명하니) 더 긴 설명이..
#. 20.0430 repetitive rɪˈpetətɪv 1.(지루할·단조로운 정도로) 반복적인 2.(계속) 반복되는 @ something / anything wrong 무슨 안좋은 일 , 문제 Is there anything wrong with our reservations? Did anything wrong happen to our job security? There might be something wrong with my bicycle wheel. @ on the other hand 다른 한편으로 On the other hand, there are people who prefer small weddings. This job is easy to do but boring and repetitive ..
#. 20.0429 Oriental medicine clinic 한의원 health supplement 건강 보조식품 acupuncture ˈækjupʌŋktʃə 침술 (요법) @ Oh, I'm relieved to ~ 아 , ~ 하니 마음이 놓으네요 Oh, I'm relieved to hear that. Oh, I'm relieved to see you're okay. Oh, I'm relieved to know the truth. @ I won't ~ again. 다시는 ~ 하지 않을 거야 I won't lift anything heavy again. I won't make that kind of mistake again. I won't drink coffee right after I wake up ..
#. 20.0428 @ They must be looking forward to -ing 그들은 분명 ~ 하고 싶어 하고 있을 거야 They must be looking forward to seeing us. They must be looking forward to getting the result. They must be looking forward to coming to see us. @ I'll go get ~ for... 내가 가서... 에게 줄 ~ 사 올게 I'll go get some presents for them today. I'll go get some porridge for you. I'll go get some fruits for us. porridge │pɑːrɪdʒ 포리지, 오트밀..
#. 20.0427 certificate 증서, 증명서 , 자격증, 면허증, 자격 @ I'm going ~ing. 전 ~ 하러 가요 I'm going grocery shopping. I'm going hiking. I'm going swimming. @ You only have to ~ ~만 하시면 돼요 You only have to pay 9,500 won. You only have to be honest. You only have to choose what to do.
- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- I'm sorry
- please?
- Excuse me
- Hey
- Tell me about it.
- Sorry
- pick up
- work out
- I'm not sure
- OK
- Actually
- OKay
- Don't worry
- no
- Please
- hold on
- make it
- Yes
- Right?
- By The Way
- Oh No
- please.
- oh
- Yeah
- well
- Sure
- too.
- What Happened?
- Thanks
- I'm glad to hear that.
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