티스토리 뷰


#. 무슨 말인지 모르겠어


Have you ever had to listen to a long and complicated class or conversation? In the following dialogue you will learn an expression you can use when you just can't follow or understand what someone is saying. Listen carefully!


What are you reading?

> It's a book about a scientist who found out that molecules are actually...

You lost me.


@ lose 잃다, 잃어버리다 You lost me. 무슨 말인지 모르겠어, 이해가 안가


  • molecule  |mɑːlɪkjuːl  분자

'Cake : middle > 약속상황,맛있는,달달한,리액션 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

그럴 줄 알았어  (0) 2020.04.09
뭐든 말만 해  (0) 2020.04.09
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  (0) 2020.04.09
이런 우연이 있나  (0) 2020.04.09
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