티스토리 뷰


#. 아파트 구하기


In this episode, we're going to look at a very important situation, looking for an apartment.

First, we're going to listen to a dialogue between an apartment hunter - this is somebody who's looking for an apartment, an apartment hunter - and a properly manager.



> Oh hi, my name's Christina. I was just calling about the apartment that you're renting out. I saw an ad for it on the internet.

Uh, yeah. Hi, Christina. My name's Billy. I am the building manager. How can I help you?

> Um, is the apartment still available?

Yup, it sure is.

> Excellent. Could you give me some information about it.

So it's a bright and sunny one-bedroom apartment. It was renovated about 2 years ago.

It has modern furnishings, plus we're planning to throw a new coat of paint on the walls before the new tenant moves in.

> Oh, that's great. And what about the lease?

Yeah, it's just a standard 1-year lease, nothing special. After a year, it goes month to month.

> Okay. And if I remember correctly, the rent is 800 a month?

Mmhmm, that's right, 800 a month plus a damage deposit of a half month's rent.

> Oh, okay. I see. Is there anything else I should know about the place?

Huh, well, let's see. the building's quiet. We've never had any major incidents, and there's a secured entrance.

> Oh, that's nice. Well, if possible, I'd like to come and see the apartment. Can I set up a viewing.

We're having an open house this Saturday from 9:00 to noon. Does that work for you?

> Yeah, it sure does. I'll see you then.

OK, great. See you then, Christina.


  • properly  ˈprɑːpərli  올바로 [제대로/예의 바르게] (↔improperly) ,  제대로, 적절히

  • tenant  ˈtenənt 세입자, 임차인,  /  임차해서[세 들어] 살다, (땅을) 소작하다


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