티스토리 뷰


#. 벌레에 대해서도 좀 읽어 볼래?


  • Would you like to read about bugs as well?

  • ~ 도, ~ 또한 also  실제 회화에선  as well을 문장 맨 끝에 붙여서 표현

Reading time!

> Okay, Mom!

Choose your books, honey!

> I'd like to read about sea animals tonight.

Would you like to read about bugs as well? I know you love nonfiction books.


Is this book fiction or nonfiction?

This book is a realistic fiction because it could happen in real life.

A fantasy is a story that could not happen in real life.

A folk tale is a story that is passed down by people.


@ pass something down (후대에) ~을 물려주다[전해주다] (=hand down)  * be passed through generations  여러 세대에 걸쳐 전해져 내려오다

@ folk tale 설화, 전설  @ falk 민속의, 전설적인  @ tale 이야기 @ fairy tale  동화 = fairy story