티스토리 뷰


#. 20.1120


@ be concerned about

~에 대해 염려하다


I'm concerned about you because you're not interested in studying for the exam.

We're concerned that our children's future may not be secure.

They're concerned about finding good jobs.


@ no matter how 

아무리 ~ 하든


No matter how difficult this work is, we can't give up this task.

No matter how busy we are, we've got to help them out.

No matter how many finals we have, we mustn't stay up all night.


'케이크 : 오늘의 회화 > c : 오늘의 회화 2020' 카테고리의 다른 글

20.1124  (0) 2020.12.02
20.1123  (0) 2020.12.01
20.1119  (0) 2020.12.01
20.1118  (0) 2020.12.01
20.1117  (0) 2020.12.01
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