티스토리 뷰



#. [ 기초영어회화 ] 먹어본 중에 가장 맛있는 피자 / 본 영화 중에 가장 재밌었다




"내가 본 영화 중에 가장 재밌었다."

I saw a movie yesterday and it's (it was) the best movie I've ever seen.

"내가 먹어본 것 중에 가장 맛있는 피자다."

It's 보다 This is the best pizza I've ever had.


가장 재밌는 영화였다 + 내가 본 적 있는

It was the best movie I have seen.


: 강조

ever 지금까지

recently 최근에

this year 올해


가장 웃긴 영화다

It was the funniest I've ever seen.

가장 매웃 피자다

This is the spiciest pizza I've ever had.


It was the best item I've bought online this year.

He was the weirdest person I've met recently.

Painting is one of the most interesting hobbies I've ever learned.