티스토리 뷰



#. [ 기초 영어 대화 연습 ] "부족하지만 할 수 있는 만큼 하려고 노력하다"




A: Do you read?

- 독서하세요?

B: I try to. As much as I can. It's probably not enough but I try to read at least 2 or 3 books a year.

- 노력은 해요. 최대한 많이 읽으려고 해요. 아마 부족하겠지만 1년에 최소한 2-3 권은 읽으려고 노력해요.



A: Do you study English?

- 영어 공부하세요?

B: I try to. As much as I can. It's probably not enough but I try to study at least 30 minutes a day.

- 노력은 해요. 최대한 많이 하려고 해요. 아마 부족하겠지만 하루에 최소 30분은 공부하려고 노력해요.



A: Do you work out?

- 운동하세요?

B: I try to. As often as I can. It's probably not enough but I try to go jogging at least 2 or 3 times a week.

- 노력은 해요. 최대한 자주 하려고 해요. 아마 부족하겠지만 하루에 최소 30분은 공부하려고 노력해요.



A: Do you spend a lot of time with your parents after you got married?

- 결혼하고 나서 부모님이랑 같이 시간 많이 보내세요?

B: I try to. As much as I can. It's probably not enough but I try to visit them at least once a month.

노력은 해요. 최대한 많이요. 아마 부족하겠지만 한 달에 최소 한 번은 만나뵈러 가려고 노력해요.



A: Do you drink?

- 술 드세요?

B: I'm trying not to these days. As little as I can. It's probably still too much but I'm trying to limit myself to just 1 can of beer every other day.

- 요즘은 안마시려고 노력하고 있어요. 최대한 적게요. 아마 아직도 많은 거겠지만 이틀에 맥주 1캔으로 줄이려고 노력하고 있어요.


: I'm not trying to .. : ... 하려고 노력을 안하고 있다

: I'm trying not to .. : ... 을 하지 않으려고 노력하고 있다

A: 잠은 충분히 주무시나요?

Do you get enough sleep? I didn't get enough sleep.

= Do you get a lot of sleep?

= Do you get plenty of sleep?

(Do you sleep enough? 은 어색한 문장입니다. 자는것에 대해 말할때 sleep을 명사로 씁니다.)


B: 그럴려고 노력은 해요. 최대한 많이요. 아마 부족하겠지만 하루에 최소 6시간을 자려고 노력해요.

I try to. As much as I can. It's probably not enough but I try to get at least 6 hours of sleep every day.

나(너) 좀 쉬어야 겠네. = You should get some rest. = I wanna get some rest this weekend.

(Rest도 sleep과 같습니다.)


A: 매달 돈을 저축하시나요?

Do you save money every month?


B: 노력은 해요. 최대한 많이요. 아마 부족하겠지만 최소한 월급의 1/3은 매달 저축하려고 노력해요.

I try to. As much as I can. It's probably not enough but I try to save at least One-Third of what I make in a month.

1/3 = One-third = A third


A: 패스트푸드 자주 드시나요?

Do you eat fast food often?


B: 요즘은 좀 안먹으려고 하고 있어요. 최대한 적게요. 아마 아직도 너무 많은 거겠지만 패스푸드는 1주일에 한 번만 먹는걸로 제한하려고 노력하고 있어요.

I'm trying not to these days. As little as possible. It's probably still too much but I'm trying to limit myself to eating fast-food just once a week.


Do you call your parents?

I try to. As often as I can. It’s probably not enough but I try to call at least once or twice a week.


Do you fight with your husband?

I’m trying not to. As little as I can. It’s probably still too much but i’m tying to limit myself to once a year and also tying to understand his working conditions these days.


Do you spend time with your kids?

I try to, as much as I can. It’s probably not enough but I try to spend time with them by reading them a book at least 30 minutes a day.


A : You said that you were having a hard time sleeping. Do you still drink coffee a lot?

B : I’m trying not to these days. As little as I can. It’s probably still too much but I’m trying to limit myself to just 2 cups a day.


A : Are you on your phone a lot?

B : I’m trying not to these days. As little as I can. I’m trying not to have it with me when I go to bed.


Do you stay in touch with her?

I’m trying to as often as I can. It’s probably not enough but I’ve been trying to call her at least once a week.


Do you spend a lot of time with your friends after you got married?


Do you go to bed early nowadays?

I try to. As much as I can. It’s probably not early enough but i try to go to bed at least by 1a.m everyday.


Do you walk your dog every day?

I try to. As often as I can. But it’s probably not enough. As long as the weather is good, i try to take her out at least once a day.


동사 Snack 쓰임새

Do you snack late at night often?

I'm trying not to these days. As little as I can. It's probably still too much but I try to limit myself to just once a week.


A : Do you spend a lot of time with your children after work?

B : I try to. As much as I can. It's probably not enough but I try to spend at least 1 hour a day with them.

A : Do you play a cell phone game?

B : I'm trying not to these days. As little as I can. It's probably still too much but I'm trying to limit myself to just 30 minutes a day.


A : Are you trying to lose weight?

B :  No,  I'm not on a diet.

(살이 좀 빠졌냐?) = Have you lost some weight?

I'm trying to go hiking at least once a month even  if it is just a small mountain in my neighborhood.


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