티스토리 뷰


#. 20.0818


neurological @ |nʊrəlɑːdʒɪkl 신경의, 신경학의

I'm going to refer you to neurological surgery.


refer @ rifə́:r <…을> <…에게> 알아보도록 하다, 조회하다 , 지시하다, 나타내다; 주목시키다 ((to))

n. reference 말하기, 언급; 언급 대상, 언급한 것 , 참조


@ I"m going to refer you to ~

~에게 안내해 드릴께요


I'm going to refer you to neurological surgery.

I'm going to refer you to Mr. Kim.

I'm going to refer you to the person in charge.


@ Go to ~ and wait for your turn.

~ 로 가서 차례를 기다리세요


Go to neurological surgery and wait for your turn.

Go to the information desk and wait for your turn.

Go to the next office and wait for your turn.

'케이크 : 오늘의 회화 > c : 오늘의 회화 2020' 카테고리의 다른 글

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