티스토리 뷰


#. 20.0703


interviewee @ ɪntərvjuː 면접[인터뷰] 받는 사람, 면접[인터뷰] 대상자

adequate @ ˈædɪkwət  (특정한 목적이나 필요에) 충분한[적절한] (↔inadequate)

He is adequate to be a data analyzer in this new development.

a clear opinion 명료한 의견

orator @ |ɔːrətə 연설가, 웅변가


@ be adequate to be ~

~ 가 되기에(이기에) 적합하다


This recipe is adequate to be used commercially.

Bret is pretty adequate to be our anchorman on the news hour.

He is adequate to be the general manager of this branch.


@ Beside that

그 외, 게다가


Jane is very knowledgeable, and beside that, she is a competent secretary.

Mark is a very good sportsman, beside that, he is a handsome guy.

John is a skilled orator and besides that, he is one of my best friends.

'케이크 : 오늘의 회화 > c : 오늘의 회화 2020' 카테고리의 다른 글

20.0706  (0) 2020.07.13
20.0705  (0) 2020.07.13
20.0702  (0) 2020.07.10
20.0701  (0) 2020.07.01
20.0630  (0) 2020.07.01
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