티스토리 뷰


#. 20.0530


@ prefer A or B ?

A를 원하십니까, B를 원하십니까?


Do you prefer to go out or stay home?

Do you prefer Monday or Tuesday for the meeting?

Would you prefer water or juice?


@ worth ~ing

~할 가치가 있는, ~ 할 만한


Are there any tourist sites worth seeing on this trip?

Is there any new food worth trying at this restaurant?

Are there any leaders worth following in your team?

'케이크 : 오늘의 회화 > c : 오늘의 회화 2020' 카테고리의 다른 글

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20.0531  (0) 2020.05.31
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20.0529  (0) 2020.05.29
20.0528  (0) 2020.05.28
최근에 올라온 글
최근에 달린 댓글
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