티스토리 뷰


#. 누군가에게 돈을 빌려본 적 있나요? Have you ever borrowed money from someone?


Oh my gosh, yes.

Just a few days ago, I borrowed some money from my brother.

Well, I'll tell you what. I was really hesitant to ask him for money again.

Because I already borrowed lots of money from him earlier this month.

But, I didn't have any choice because I broke my smartphone.

The screen was totally cracked.

My smartphone was pretty much useless.

So, that's why I needed money to fix it.

And you know, to be honest, I didn't dare ask my mom for money because this wasn't the first time I broke my smartphone.

So even though I didn't want to ask my brother, It was still easier asking him than my mom.

My mom is just way too scary.

Um, but anyway, even though my brother got a little bit a angry at that time, he still lent me money.

I promised to pay him back next month.

But you know, I really hope that he forgets about it.

I'll tell you what. 저 말이야, 실은 말이지, 이야기할 게 있는데

ask someone for money 누군가에게 돈을 요구하다