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#. 영어회화 | 시급한 교정 #04 | 한국사람들이 잘못 사용하고 있는 영어 4가지


1. 고민하다 2. schedule 3. 익숙하다 / 익숙한 4. 아마(도)


  • 고민하다  (cf)  consider : 고려하다 / 생각해보다

  • Think about

  • Think a lot about

  • Think hard about

  • Put a lot of thought into ( something)


I thought a lot about this. I think hard about this. 잘생각해보다 I put a lot of thought into deciding the title. 


  • Schedule

  • 누구에게나 스케쥴은 하나밖에 없다. 하나하나의 이벤트를 스케쥴이라고 하지 않는다.

  • I have a lot of schedule (x)

Daily schedule Weekly schedule Monthly schedule Annual schedule 

quarterly schedule


  I have a lot of things to do  today.

I had so many things to do on the weekend.

I have so many things to do this week.


  • I have a lot of things to do ~~

굳이 스케쥴을 쓰고 싶으면 ~~

I have a lot of things on my schedule.


  • 익숙하다. 익숙하지 않다. 

  • Be used to


I'm not very used to talking to girls. I'm not used to eating alone. 


  • Familiar

  • 익숙하다 보다는 무엇에대해서 안다 모른다를 말할때

  • 알다/모르다. 낯익은/ 낯설은

I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with this situation.

쟤 굉장히 낯이 익은데 누군지 정확히 기억이 않나. She looks really familiar but I can't exactly remember who she is.

이 목소리 귀에 굉장히 익은데, 혹시 마이클 잭슨이야?  This voice sounds really familiar, is it Michael Jackson?


  • 아마(도) 어느정도 확신이 높음.

  • Probably

I'm probably just going to stay home.

  • Maybe

  • 어쩌면( 50프로) 그럴수도 있다. 

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