티스토리 뷰



#. 구독자 예문 검사 - must be / must have been





I've been walking for 3 hours now.

> You must be tired.  It must be tough.


I tried to explain what happened to everyone.

> That must've been frustrating. 짜증났겠다.신경질 났겠다.  ˈfrʌstreɪtɪŋ  불만스러운, 좌절감을 주는


My son studied all day yesterday.

> He must've been really tired.


유통기한이 지나다 : expire.

I had to throw it away because it had expired.

> You must have been really disappointed. 실망스러웠겠다.

> That must have been really disappointing.


I haven't had any water all the way up here. * all the way ~ 동안 / 내내

> You must be really thirsty.


I got only 3 hours of sleep last night.

> You must be really tired.


I can see you must have put in a lot of time to prepare for this lecture.

  • put in a lot of time to do something. 무엇에 많은시간을 넣다.

  • put a lot of time in something


He must have put in a lot of effort.


And apparently, he's learning really quickly. 듣자하니 그는 정말로 빨리 배우고 있어.

even though it's his first time. 비록 처음일지라도

even though he has never done that kind of work. 비록 그런일을 해본적은 없지만

  • Apparently    əˈpærəntli     듣자[보아] 하니

> Sally must be very proud of her son.


너도 그것을 엄청 갖고 싶었겠다.

You must have really wanted it, too.


They must be really happy.그들은 정말 행복하겠다.


It must have cost a lot of money. 돈 많이 들었겠다.


He must really like traveling. 여행을 진짜 좋아하나 보다.


It must have been hard to get up at that time. 그 시간에 일어나기 힘들었겠다.