티스토리 뷰


#. 말이라도 고마워


  • ~, though :  그래도 ~ 였어 / ~ 긴 했어

I can't believe the Yankees lost. What's their excuse?

> They really blew it in the ninth, didn't they?

Yeah, I mean, but still. It was a good game, though.

> Totally, very entertaining.


  • Thanks, though : 말이라도 고마워 , 그래도 고마워

  • 상대의 제안을 거절할 때 예의 바르게 덧붙이는 표현 = Thanks anyway.

Hey dude, let's grab a beer after work.

> Love to, but I got other plans tonight.

You sure? I'm buying.

> I'm sure. Thanks, though.

What's their excuse? 그들의 변명은 뭐지? / 왜 진거지?

'Cake : middle > Culips Catch Word' 카테고리의 다른 글

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