티스토리 뷰


Unit 1201. 래리 엘리슨 Larry Ellison


  • 자신의 길은 자기가 결정하라

Over time, their dreams became my dreams.

Deep inside all of us, there is a primal desire to do something important in life.

Keep searching until you find a job that ignites your passions.

Don't let the experts discourage you when you challenge the status quo.


  • something / anything / nothing / anywhere / somewhere + 형용사

Are you looking for something / anything specific?

How about something / anything different?

I did nothing wrong.

Let's go somewhere nice.

Over time 오랜시간에 걸처, 시간이 지나면서, 시간이 흐르는 동안


primal ˈpraɪml 원시의, 태고의


ignite ɪɡˈnaɪt 불이 붙다, 점화되다, 불을 붙이다, 점화하다


discourage dɪs|kɜːrɪdʒ

(무엇을 어렵게 만들거나 반대하여) 막다[말리다] / 의욕[열의]을 꺾다, 좌절시키다 (=dishearten), (↔encourage)


status quo ˌsteɪtəs ˈkwəʊ 현재의 상황, 현상(現狀)