티스토리 뷰


Unit 1197. 힐러리 클린턴   Hillary Clinton


  • 실패해도 다시 일어서는 게 중요하다

Everyone gets knocked down.

What matters is whether you get back up and keep going.

You will make mistakes in life. You will even fail.

It happens to all of us no matter how qualified or capable we are. Take it from me.


  • 문장 + no matter how + S + V : ~ 상관없이 no matter , 어떻게, 얼마나 ~ 하던지 how

There's always someone better no matter how good you are.

She isn't interested in me no matter how hard I try.

You won't be getting first row seats no matter how much you pay.

The answer will always be 'no' no matter how many times you ask.

knock down  무너뜨리다 ,  허물다


get back up  다시 일어서다


no matter how  어떻게 하든, 아무리 ~해도 , 아무리 ...한들, 어떻게 하더라도


Take it from me  …임은) 정말이다[내 말을 믿어도 된다]


capable  ˈkeɪpəbl  1.(능력·특질상) ~을 할 수 있는   2.유능한

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