티스토리 뷰


Unit 1189. 강석희 Sukhee Kang


  • 스스로 해결하는 삶을 살라

If you see things that need changing, don't wait for someone else to step up to the plate.

Roll your sleeves up, and do the hard work necessary to address the challenges in your family, your community, our country and our world.

Time is on your side, but the clock is ticking.


  • wait for + 대상 : ~을 기다리다

Don't wait up for me.

I'm waiting for the right moment.

Who are you waiting for?

Can you wait for us until 6 p.m?


step up to the plate  책임을 맡다, (어떠한 기회, 위기, 도전 등에 대응하여) 조치를 취하다, 행동에 나서다


Roll your sleeves up 소매를 걷어올려라



1.주소   2.(인터넷상의) 주소, 3.(편지 봉투에) 주소를 쓰다, / (누구에게 직접) 말을 걸다[하다] 문제를 다루다 deal with


on one's side  누구의 편