티스토리 뷰


Unit 1177. 김용 Jim Young Kim


  • 뚜렷한 목표를 세워라

Set bold goals, deliberately and consciously build your willpower, and use your time well.

Uncertainty means that nothing is predetermined.

Uncertainty means that the future is yours to shape.

Take that uncertainty and run with it.


  • run with + 추진할 일  : 어떤일을 해보다, 추진해보다

Sara is going to take it on and run with it.

We should take her word and run with it.

Why don't you run with that idea?

I picked up the ball and ran with it.

bold boʊld  용감한, 대담한


deliberately dɪˈlɪbərətli  고의로, 의도[계획]적으로 (=intentionally, on purpose)


consciously kɑ́nʃəsli  의식[자각]하여, 의식적으로 


conscious |kɑːnʃəs  의식하는, 자각하는 (↔unconscious) (→self-conscious)


willpower 의지력, 정신력, 자제력.


Uncertainty ʌn|sɜːrtnti  불확실성 , 불확실한 것, 불확실한 상황


predetermine |priːdɪtɜːrmɪn 미리 결정하다


shape ʃeɪp 모양, 형태, 형(形) / (어떤) 모양[형태]으로 만들다[빚다]


run with  (생각·방법을) 받아들이다[이용하기 시작하다]

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