티스토리 뷰


Unit 1125. 악용할 때


# exploit + 악용할 것 : 옳지 않게 정보등을 취합할때 사용


Don't exploit your privileges.

It's not right to exploit the system's loophole.

Some people exploited the employee benefits.

The public officer exploited his position to take advantage.

My boss is not a guy who exploits workers.


Why are you going to get off work after 9?

> It's because the company pays for overtime.

What? You're exploiting it.

> Why not? Many people are doing it too.

exploit iksplɔ́it  <남을> (부당하게) 이용하다, <노동력을> 착취하다, 등쳐 먹다   


privilege ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ  (특정 개인단체가 갖는) 특전[특혜]


loophole |luːphoʊl  (법률·계약서 등의 허술한) 구멍