티스토리 뷰


Unit 1120. 문제에 개입할 때


# 대상 + intervene ( + in 문제 ) 


It's time for us to intervene.

I need you to intervene in the dispute.

Someone intervened in the decision.

You must intervene in the argument between those two.

Why are they intervening in the project?


You did a good job. It was a bold move.

> Was it unnecessary for me to intervene?

Thanks to you, it turned out well.

> I'm relieved to hear that.

intervene  |ɪntərviːn  (상황 개선을 돕기 위해) 개입하다,  (다른 사람이 말하는 데) 끼어들다[가로막다]


a bold move   대담한 조처 ,  과감한 조치  


relieve  rɪˈliːv (불쾌감·고통 등을) 없애[덜어] 주다, 안도하게[후련하게] 하다