티스토리 뷰


#. 19.0623


@@ How long have you been -ing?

얼마동안 ~ 하셨어요?


How long have you been waiting?

How long have you been living here?

How long have you been practicing?


@@ Let's go up the ~ floor.

~층으로 올라갑시다.


Let's go up the second floor.

Let's go up the top floor.

Let's go up the tenth floor.


@@ take the stairs

계단으로 올라가다, 계단을 이용하다


We can take the stairs over there.

In case the elevator doesn't work, you can take the stairs.

We can take the stairs to get to her office.


'케이크 : 오늘의 회화 > c : 오늘의 회화 2019' 카테고리의 다른 글

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19.0619  (0) 2020.05.03
최근에 올라온 글
최근에 달린 댓글
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