티스토리 뷰


talk 270. 저는 ~ 이 기대돼요.


  • I'm looking forward to ~


I'm looking forward to the weekend.

> I can't wait until Friday.

I'm looking forward to summer break.

> That's because you're not a parent.

I'm looking forward to meeting her in person.

> You must be thrilled!


  • the weekend : 주말

  • summer break : 여름방학

  • meet someone in person : 누구를 직접 만나다

  • thrilled θrɪld   (너무 좋아서) 황홀해 하는, 아주 흥분한[신이 난]

  • thrill θrɪl 황홀감, 흥분, 설렘 / 열광시키다, 황홀하게[정말 신나게] 만들다