티스토리 뷰


Day 20


Do you want to find a movie to watch?

Go see Summer Song with your friends!

Two great actors star in this true story.

It is about a man who cannot speak.

He can only sing, but he is a bad singer!

The people in the town think he is too loud.

What do they do?

You learn the answer at the end!

Buy a sweet snack.

Sit down and enjoy Summer song!

You will like every minute of it.

I cannot wait to see it again.


That's the end of class.

Can you find my glasses?

She is not my friend.

Do you like to speak in front of a lot of people?

There is only one minute left!

We should always learn from our mistakes.

I'm always thinking about my future.



Day 19


She sings a great song.

The man sits under the tree.

Beth stars in the play.

He thinks about what to cook.

Three hundred people live in this town.



Day 18


Karen is able to give the right answers.

He learns how to make pizza.

He likes to drink milk.

That is a long word!

Class starts in five minutes.



Day 17


He plays baseball with his friends in the afternoon.

Please say your address again.

The teacher speaks to the student.

She likes to eat sweet snacks.

Is it true that you have a monkey?



Day 16


He needs to write the letter again. 

The fruit is bad.

She buy a small gift.

Some people cry at the end of a movie.

He finds his lunch in the bag.



'Cake : toddler > 영단어 문장으로 뽀개기' 카테고리의 다른 글

Day 30  (0) 2020.03.26
Day 25  (0) 2020.03.26
Day 15  (0) 2020.03.26
Day 10  (0) 2020.03.26
Day 5  (0) 2020.03.26
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