티스토리 뷰


#. See eye to eye


Hey guys! Today's English expression is "see eye to eye."

"See eye to eye" means to agree with someone fully or to share the same opinions and views as someone.

It can be used in a negative way as well, just like this "don't see eye to eye."

Now listen to a conversation between two friends talking about one of their dads.

Listen closely for the expression "see eye to eye."


How are things with your dad?

> Not great. We've always had a difficult relationship, but it's got worse recently.

So, you don't see each other much anymore?

> No, not anymore. We just don't see eye to eye on anything.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things get better between you two.

> Yeah, me too.


So, remember we use "see eye to eye" when you fully agree with someone or when you share the same opinions, views, or beliefs as someone.

To make this negative just say "don't see eye to eye."

Try to use this expression the next time you're talking about a relationship or friendship with someone.

see eye to eye 의견을 같이하다

'Cake : middle > 루크쌤의 Quick English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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