Cake : toddler/엄마표 영어 100일의 기적

더할 나위 없이 좋았어!

미인생 2020. 4. 4. 13:04

#. 더할 나위 없이 좋았어!


  • Couldn't be better! 이보다 더 좋을 수 없어 , 기분 최고야 -  강한 긍정


Hi Mom!

> Hi, sweetie!

How was your day, Mom?

> Couldn't be better! How was yours?

Great! My teacher gave me two stickers for helping my friends.

> Good for you!


How was your lunch?

How was school today?

How was your piano lesson?

How was your new teacher?

How was your field trip?


@ field trip  견학 여행, 현장 학습  We went on a geology field trip Field trip to Everland tomorrow. Can’t wait!