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#.for만 잘써도 영어회화가 쉬워집니다

미인생 2022. 10. 18. 13:27






@ for 의 쓰임새


  1. 마실거나 간식이 땡길 때
  • for : 목적 / 교환의 에너지


I’m going to a coffee shop for coffee. 커피 사러 / 마시러 카페에 갈 거야.


A: What are you doing today?

B: I’m thinking of going to a coffee shop for an iced americano.


Why don’t we take a break for coffee?  커피 마시게 쉴까? / 원어민 스러운 표현

= Do you want to drink coffee? 커피 마시기 원하니? 직접적인 표현

  1. 물건을 사러 갈때 : buy, go, come 쓸 필요없음


I’m going out for milk. 우유 사러 갔다올게

Lisa and I are going out for gelato.

I’m going out for a bucket of chicken.

I’m going out for some groceries.


A: Where are you going?
B: I’m going out for milk.

A: While you’re at it. Can you buy some groceries? please?

  • While you’re at it. ~ 하는김에


I’m going to have lunch outside. 대신에

I’m going out for lunch. 


Let’s go out tonight for dinner and drinks.

Would you like to go out for lunch today?

Why don’t we go out for lunch today?


A: Why don’t we go out for lunch?

B: Why not? What do you want to eat for lunch?

A: I feel like Chinese food.


  • for + some fresh air 바람 쐬러 가다 / 기분전환하러 가다

I’m going out for some air.


  1. 물건을 살 때 : 가격을 말할 때  : 40만원에 애플워치를 교환할수있음


We can buy an Apple watch for 400,000 won.


A: I’d like to get an Apple watch for my graduation gift.

B: Apple watch? How much is that?

A: It’s 500,000 won. But now it’s on sale. We can buy an Apple watch for 400,000 won.


You can get this product for only 4 dollars.

I bought this jacket for 300,000 won.

Anyway I just sold it all for 4 million dollars.

You can get this for free. * for free  무료로


  1. 약속이 있을 때 : 이벤트에 참석한다는 느낌


A: What are you up to this weekend? 

B: I’m going to Incheon for a wedding.


He went to work for a meeting.

I went to Jisan for a festival.


  • for class 수업에 참석하는 것

I think I’ll be late for class.

  • for work 일하러가는 것

I was late for work.


  1. 선물을 줄때 : for + 사람 , for + 이벤트


Is this for me? 내 거야? / 선물의 목적은 나!

> Yes! This is for you. It’s for your birthday.


It’s for our wedding anniversary.

우리 결혼 기념일 선물이야 / 기념일 때문에 준비했어

It’s for your promotion.


What should I buy for my girlfriend for her birthday?

여자친구 생일 선물로 뭘 사는게 좋을까?


What are you going to buy for your mother, father?


@ up to 의 다양한 표현 

Dude, what are you up to this Saturday? 이봐 친구, 이번 토요일에 뭐 해?


@ up to 뜻  


1. ~까지 (less than)

This room can hold up to 200 people. 이 방은 200명까지 수용할 수 있습니다. 

Was it up to your expectations? 그건 네 기대에 미쳤니?


2. ~할 수 있는 (육체적으로나 정신적으로)

Are you up to this job? 너 이 일을 할 능력이 있니?

I don't feel up to going to work. 나는 별로 출근할 수 없을 것 같다.


3. ~까지 (until) 

Up to now, I believe he's innocent. 

지금까지도 나는 그가 결백하다고 믿고 있다. 


4. ~의 책임인 (responsibility) 

It's up to you. 그건 너에게 달려 있어. 

It's up to the manager to make the decision. 

결정을 내리는 건 매니저에게 달려 있다. 


5. ~하고 있는 (doing)

What are you up to? 너 뭐 하니?

I'm sure he's up to something 그가 무슨 꿍꿍이를 꾸미고 있는 게 틀림없어. 


A: What have you been up to?뭐 하고 있었니? 

B: Nothing. I've just been watching TV in my room. 아무것도 그냥 방에서 TV 보고 있었어.