미인생 2020. 9. 14. 15:59

#. 20.0911


trustworthy @ trʌstwɜːrði 신뢰할[믿을] 수 있는 (=reliable)

intermittent @ |ɪntərmɪtənt 간헐적인, 간간이 일어나는 (=sporadic) intermittently 간헐적으로


@ something is wrong with ~

~에 문제가 있다


Something is wrong with my stomach.

Something is wrong with the power cord. It's working intermittently.

Something is wrong with my son. He hasn't touched his food all day.


@ should look for ~

~을 찾아야 한다


We should look for that homeless guy right now.

I'm afraid I should look for a new job.

You should look for your keys in the last place you saw them.