미인생 2020. 5. 28. 18:39

#. IU's Generosity


IU is a famous Korean singer and actress.

Her songs regularly top the charts locally and internationally.

At the same time, she has starred in numerous hit TV dramas.

On top of that, IU is respected for her generosity.

In fact, she is one of the most generous celebrities in Korea.

The K-pop star regularly makes large donations.

When she was young, IU's family was not rich.

She learned the importance of money early in her life.

So now, the 28-year-old entertainer tries to help many people with her wealth.

Since 2015, the singer and actress has donated 300 to 500 million won every year.

Many charity groups use this money to help people in need.

Her generosity even inspires her fans to make donations, too.

In late 2019, Forbes magazine in the U.S. honored the K-pop star.

The company called her one of the "heroes of Philanthropy."

philanthropy @ fɪˈlænθrəpi 독지[자선] 활동, 기부활동

The company called her one of the "heroes of Philanthropy."

The orphanage where he grew up was built as a result of private philanthropy.


numerous @ |nuːmərəs 많은

At the same time, she has starred in numerous hit TV dramas.

The advantages of this system are too numerous to mention.

He has been late on numerous occasions.


generosity @ |dʒenərɑːsəti 너그러움, 선행

Her generosity even inspires her fans to make donations, too.

On top of that, IU is respected for her generosity.

He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness.